Advanced Searching tools in Patent iNSIGHT Pro
Date: Thursday Sep 10, 2009
Time: 1PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) / 10AM Pacific Time / 5PM GMT
Duration: 60 minutes (including 15 minutes of Q&A)
Cost: Free
This online workshop showcases the latest advanced search and highlighting tools in Patent iNSIGHT Pro.
The workshop will focus on all things beyond Boolean:
Proximity Searching
Approximate Searching
Applying a Thesaurus while searching
Left and middle truncation
“Sounds like” searching
Natural Language Search and Ranking
Similarity Search and Ranking
Regular Expressions for pattern matching
Using samples from various technology sets, the workshop will highlight how each type of search helps in different search situations.
IMPORTANT: Requirements to view the webinar
To view the webinar you need Windows Media Player 9 or above ( If you have a lower version of Windows media player, you can download it from here ) and the right Video Codec ( The codec can be freely downloaded from here ).
About Gridlogics
Gridlogics is a research driven software and services organization specializing in providing intellectual property analysis and visualization solutions to aid R&D and corporate strategy. Gridlogics products are used by leading legal services, Pharmaceutical & biotech, electronics companies and research organization across US, Europe, South America and India with more than 150 end users. Gridlogics is headquartered in Pune, India and has a sales office in New Delhi, Mumbai and US. For further information on Gridlogics and Patent iNSIGHT Pro please call us at +1.866.716.1507 or visit us at www.patentinsightpro.com .
Gargee Patankar
Gridlogics Technologies Pvt Ltd
sales@patentinsightpro . c o m